Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Post-Testimonial from Matthew Hope

I can't put a price on my recent trip to Norway. Whether I was visiting
museums, communing with nature, or just spending time with my good friend, I was always having an enjoyable time.

None of this, however, would have been possible without the help of well-travelled guru. As a person who lives with a disability, I was dependent on assistance navigating airports, and transitioning from flight to flight. Having an assistant waiting for me the moment I stepped off the plane made me feel safe and secure. Despite my disability and the average busyness of an
airport, I was given the freedom to meet my own needs such as finding an accessible bathroom or locating a place to eat while waiting for the next flight. Both my departure and return trips were as smooth as clockwork.

I would recommend well-travelled guru, without hesitation, to anyone with special needs.

Matthew Hope, once again, is a talented musician who resides in the Twin Cities, MN, United States. Thank you, and we're glad you enjoyed your trip!

Friday, July 15, 2011

where do your charitable donations REALLY go???

As you & I continue to open our pockets for this disaster, that crisis,
or the next whatever catastrophe, please keep these facts in mind: 

The American Red Cross
President and CEO - Marsha J. Evans
salary for the year 2010 was $651,957, plus all personal, medical,
& pension expenses.
Less than 10 cents of your donated dollar
actually goes to the cause.
The United Way
President - Brian Gallagher receives a
$375,000 base salary, along with numerous personal & family
expense benefits.
Less than 12 cents of your donated dollar
actually goes to the cause.

CEO - Caryl M. Stern receives
$1.2 Million per year (100k per month)
plus all living & housing expenses, including a ROLLS ROYCE.
Less than 15 cents of your donated dollar
actually goes to the cause.
The Salvation Army
Commissioner - Todd Bassett receives a
salary of only $13,000 per year (plus housing)
for managing this $2 billion dollar organization.
96 cents of all donated dollars go to the cause.
Boys & Girls Town
$0.93 of every dollar goes directly to the children.
Father Steven Boes does not draw a salary.


Monday, July 4, 2011

happy 4th of july! we are free from whom, now?

The Boston Tea Party. Bombs bursting in air. The midnight ride of Paul Revere. There are a lot of historical moments for our country tied up in Independence Day, but sadly, for a large number of people, there’s quite a bit of ignorance, too.
Via Think Progress, a new poll out states that over a quarter of those questioned couldn’t name what country the United States Declared Independence from during the American Revolution. Only 74 percent of those asked could actually name Great Britain as the country we fought, with 20 percent saying they were unsure, and 6 percent actually naming a different country. The number of those who couldn’t give the correct answer went up to 32 percent in the south.

Maybe we need year-round school — or at least some year round history classes.

(today's entry compliments of care2 causes)

Saturday, July 2, 2011

thank you lilly mae outlaw for this shrewd advice...

there's so much good in the worst of us
and so much bad in the best of us,
that it doesn't behoove any of us,
to talk about the rest of us.