Monday, April 11, 2011

man kills 1, injures 3...
what would cause a "normal" person to finally one day just "lose it" and go on a shooting spree? just what is it that tips us over that edge, the proverbial straw that breaks the camel's back?
i mean, let's get real here...
we've ALL gotten upset with someone who we feel has done us wrong and/or betrayed us, right?
but what was different the fateful morning this guy got up? just when did he decide to throw ALL reason, logic, AND his future to the dogs?
oddly, he turned himself in after he committed the crimes. can he even comprehend what he's facing now?
as a prison outreach volunteer, i meet these guys face to face often. one guy i know is in FOR LIFE, 'went in when he was 26, and is now 46. he's not the same guy that went in there 2 decades ago, but the law doesn't care much about that.

honestly though, there are so many that should be in prison, but are lucky that they've never been caught. there are the cheaters, philanderers, prevaricators, imposters, embezzlers, users, abusers, addicts, and tax evaders among us(maybe even YOU), who somehow seem to fall between the cracks, never found out and/or prosecuted.
ahhh, but...
"in the Universe there are neither punishments nor rewards, only consequences"

the next time you feel the need to sit in judgment over your neighbor(or that crazy guy who lost his mind and went ballistic), just remember:

 as you're pointing your finger at them...there are 3 pointing back at you.

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